icon Magic Screensaver Master

Enables you to manage your screensaver by moving your mouse... and more!

Magic Screensaver Master - help file Magic Screensaver Master

Visit web site for version update

Help for version 3.6

Contents of this file:
  1. Using the program
    1. Accessing the main menu
    2. Actions
    3. Settings
  2. Questions
  4. Registering the program
    1. Purchasing online
    2. Purchasing by mail
    3. Unlocking the program
  5. Updates

Using the program

Accessing the main menu
The main menu can be accessed by right-clicking the program icon in the system tray.
The menu will open and you can click on any sub item you desire.

To set the program settings select the 'Settings' item from the main menu. A new window will open that will allow you to specify the program behaviour.
For every corner of the screen you can specify the task the program will perform. You can select between these tasks:
  • Nothing
    Nothing happens. This is the default setting and it means that the program ignores this corner.
  • Start screen saver
    The default screen saver will be started immediately. This option also works if you have your Windows screen saver setting set to wait time to e.g. 15 minutes. The screen saver will be turned off when you will move the mouse from the corner and your desktop will be restored. If a default screen saver is not selected nothing will happen.
  • Disable screen saver
    The screen saver won't be started even if you have enabled it in Windows settings and the waiting time (idle time) has elapsed.
  • Turn off monitor
    The monitor will be turned off. The monitor will turn on again when you move the mouse from the corner.
  • Log off
    The current user will be logged off and a log-in prompt will be displayed.
  • Restart
    Windows will restart. If some programs have unsaved data you will be asked to save it.
  • Shut down
    Windows will shut down and the computer will power down if it is capable of doing that. If some programs have unsaved data you will be asked to save it.
To set the program settings select the 'Settings' item from the main menu. A new window will open that will allow you to specify the program behaviour.
At the bottom of the opened window you can set three main settings: Program sensitivity, delay before actions and running the program at Windows Startup.

Mouse sensitivity
This value determines how many pixels in each cornet will be monitored. If you're having trouble 'finding' the right activation spot then you should increase this value. The default value is 4 pixels, which means that 4x4 block is monitored for mouse activity. If you turn on actions often by mistake then you should reduce this number.

Delay before actions
This number tells the program for how long the mouse cursor should be in the activation area before the action should be started. The number entered represents time in milliseconds (if you want to change the delay to one second you have to enter 1000 in the field). The default value is 0 - the action will take effect at once, without delay. This feature protects you from accidental actions. The mouse has to be in the corner for some time before the action is started.

Start the program at Windows Startup
If you want Magic Screensaver Master to start at Windows Startup check the 'Start Magic Screensaver Master with Windows' check box.

You can find answers to your questions in the on-line forum located at http://www.magicproject.com/forum.

You can download the latest version of the program from the program's web page located at http://www.magicproject.com/screensavermaster.
If you would like to try some other great shareware programs check the web site at http://www.magicproject.com.

Registering the program

Magic Screensaver Master is Shareware. This means that you can download and install the program for testing purposes. You may use the program for 30 days free of charge. After this time you must register or uninstall the program.

Purchasing online
You can register the program directly from the program menu. Open main menu by right-clicking the program icon in the system tray. Select 'Register...' and a new window will open. Click on the 'Buy now' image once and your web browser will open and the purchase page will be displayed. The system operates on a secure server which means that sending any information, including your credit-card number, is safe. The web application will guide you through the ordering process. Be sure that you enter all the data correct. Make sure that your e-mail address is correct because this is where you'll receive your password to unlock the program.
You can reach the Software Shop also by following this link.

When the processing company (SWREG) will process your credit card and when the payment will be done you will be sent a keycode to the e-mail address you specified. Then you can proceed with unlocking the program.

Purchasing by mail
If you do not trust internet transactions or if you don't have a credit card you can still order the program. You can find the order form in the program folder in the file 'order.txt'. Open it in Notepad, fill it out with block letters, print it out and send it with cash to Magic Project address. You will find the address in the file itself.
When the order will be received the registered program or keycode will be sent to you by e-mail or by air mail on CD.

Unlocking the program
When you receive a password (keycode) for unlocking the program you can register the program. Open main menu by right-clicking the program icon in te system tray. A window will open where you see the section 'Unlock the program: you will see a text box and a button. You have to type the keycode to the text box. Make sure that you type the code exactly the same as it is in your confirmation e-mail. The best way to do that is to copy and paste the code. When you've typed in the code click the 'register' button. If the code is correct the program will be registered and will stop showing the Shareware notice when you first run it.

We have a list of users e-mail addresses and when a new version or update comes out we send everyone a short note. If you want to subscribe to the list go to http://www.magicproject.com/screensavermaster and enter your real e-mail address.
If you want to check if you are using the latest version of the program check the programs web page.

© Magic Project Software and Mihov.com web solutions Ltd. 2003 - 2011
Updated: April 3rd, 2011
Copyright © Magic Project Software & Mihov.com web solutions Ltd. 2004 - 2025, all rights reserved.