Tatu lyrics and texts to songs Pictures of Lena and Yulia Tatu videos Live concerts of Tatu Get all the material on a CD


Welcome to Magic Tatu Website!

Tatu is the Russian music group. It consists of two teen girls, Lena and Yulia, who are willing to share their energy wih the rest of the world. The music they sing is about their lives and their problems. They are able to stay cute even when singing about serious stuff like accepting lesbian daughters and friends.

On this web page you can find not only pictures and lyrics, but also videos from concerts worldwide, interviews with both Tatu girls and more, for example making of their video "30 Minutes" and a video of Lena's birthday celebration. Some material is in Russian, some in English, and some in Polish language. But the girls look cute in every case!

Since I have a lot of Tatu related material you can also order all of it and you will receive it on three CD discs. Select link 'Get a CD' from the menu on the left for more information.

To the video section!

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